I guess those are the last pictures I get to show of the time I've spent in Ireland. It's incredible how fast I got used again to how things are here, home. I find myself pointing out differences even between the smallest things and it seems like a lifetime has passed. Lately my life hasn't been really exciting, when I was in Ireland I was complaining about how much I missed home, but when I got back, even if I was so happy to finally rejoin my family and friends, the monothony of this place hit me hard. I had started to walk along the streets I've known since I was I child and nothing seemed to have changed, not in the good memory-like way, but in the grey, sad way. I have been crazy happy to meet my best friends again, spending time with them, doing nothing particularly special, just hanging out, but they've filled me with happiness and made every moment so precious. But that refers to a really small number of people, those special ones. I was quite sure to have a lot of friends, but well, coming back home I've felt quite lonely as not a lot of those people have seemed to be interested in how I was doing or in being present in my days, in my life. I have to admit, that has struck me, everyone has started a new chapter of their life and, absorbed in new excitements, has left behind more that one may think of. When I was in Ireland often it would rain and I would hear people complaining about how miserable it was, but what I've learned is that it doesn't have to be rainy to feel miserable, the sun could shine, burn your skin, but still not warm your heart. I had felt the necessity of starting a new adventure myself, get away from this place for a while, but now I think I might have got used to time flowing unnoticed and I might have started to get lazy, which makes stepping out of my comfort zone quite a challenge. Despite everything, here I have a place to call home, where there are people I can run to. Who knows what could I find elsewhere? I am starting to feel scared, thinking I might give up, what if I don't find a place that makes me feel good, safe but one that makes me feel even more lonely? And why I must stress myself so much for something that isn't even sure?

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